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The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XXVII. Up to seven planets orbiting HD 10180: probing the architecture of low-mass planetary systems

机译:HaRps搜索南太阳系外行星。二十七。最多七个   绕行HD 10180的行星:探测低质量行星的结构   系统


Context. Low-mass extrasolar planets are presently being discovered at anincreased pace by radial velocity and transit surveys, opening a new window onplanetary systems. Aims. We are conducting a high-precision radial velocitysurvey with the HARPS spectrograph which aims at characterizing the populationof ice giants and super-Earths around nearby solar-type stars. This will leadto a better understanding of their formation and evolution, and yield a globalpicture of planetary systems from gas giants down to telluric planets. Methods.Progress has been possible in this field thanks in particular to the sub-m/sradial velocity precision achieved by HARPS. We present here new high-qualitymeasurements from this instrument. Results. We report the discovery of aplanetary system comprising at least five Neptune-like planets with minimummasses ranging from 12 to 25 M_Earth, orbiting the solar-type star HD 10180 atseparations between 0.06 and 1.4 AU. A sixth radial velocity signal is presentat a longer period, probably due to a 65-M_Earth object. Moreover, another bodywith a minimum mass as low as 1.4 M_Earth may be present at 0.02 AU from thestar. This is the most populated exoplanetary system known to date. The planetsare in a dense but still well-separated configuration, with significant secularinteractions. Some of the orbital period ratios are fairly close to integer orhalf-integer values, but the system does not exhibit any mean-motionresonances. General relativity effects and tidal dissipation play an importantrole to stabilize the innermost planet and the system as a whole. Numericalintegrations show long-term dynamical stability provided true masses are withina factor ~3 from minimum masses. We further note that several low-massplanetary systems exhibit a rather "packed" orbital architecture with little orno space left for additional planets. (Abridged)
机译:上下文。目前,通过径向速度和过境调查以越来越快的速度发现低质量的太阳系外行星,为行星系统打开了新的窗口。目的我们正在使用HARPS光谱仪进行高精度的径向速度调查,目的是表征附近太阳型恒星周围的冰巨星和超地球的数量。这将使人们对它们的形成和演化有更好的了解,并产生从天然气巨头到大地行星的行星系统的全球图景。方法:特别是由于HARPS实现的亚米/-速度精度,在这一领域取得了进展。我们在此介绍此仪器的新高质量测量。结果。我们报告发现了由至少五个海王星状行星组成的行星系统,其最小质量范围为12到25 M_Earth,绕太阳型恒星HD 10180的分离度介于0.06和1.4 AU之间。可能由于65 M_Earth对象,第六个径向速度信号出现的时间更长。此外,距恒星0.02 AU处可能存在另一个质量最小为1.4 M_Earth的物体。这是迄今为止已知的人口最多的系外系统。行星处于密集但仍然很好的分隔状态,具有明显的长期相互作用。一些轨道周期比非常接近整数或半整数值,但是系统没有表现出任何平均运动共振。广义相对论和潮汐消散对稳定最内层的行星和整个系统起着重要作用。数值积分显示了长期动力稳定性,前提是真实质量与最小质量的相关系数约为3。我们进一步注意到,几个低质量的行星系统表现出相当“紧凑”的轨道结构,几乎没有剩余的空间供其他行星使用。 (简略)



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